God is utterly surprising-- and frustrating. Working at a fast paced start up in Silicon Valley, CA, I am somewhere I never imagined I would be. This girl who has been all about faith based, non-profit work has cut off a slice of corporate America.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the for profit world; on the contrary, there are many important ways that we can grow as individuals through working in business, and there are a number of ways that businesses have the power to be influential in the local and global community. More specifically, I've also been blessed to work at a business with a lot of fun, passionate and intelligent people.
The frustrating part? Let me share an anecdote:
Every day I periodically get up from my desk, head to the bathroom. Completely normal and nothing out of the usual right? After all, we all have our biological needs. Bathroom breaks for me, however, are the favorite part of my day. Because when I close that door, I'm no longer in the bathroom at my office, but rather I'm at a solo concert or an unofficial dance party. Yup--when the bathroom door closes at work, I proceed to shamelessly sing and dance in front of the mirror.
Given my regular dance party/solo concert in my office bathroom, how could God, knowing how He's made me, put me in a place seemingly worlds apart from the performing arts?
I don't have an answer. I flat out just don't have an answer, and I continue to wrestle with God on this, but even if I'm not able to work directly in the arts, I am thankful for single room bathrooms;-).
1 comment:
oh Nyamie!
I miss you. We haven't talked in forever.
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